
Duo Lavalampe hat schon lange keine Fanpost mehr bekommen. Da freuen wir uns doch umso mehr über diesen Gruß aus Moskau, obwohl das Gebäude im Hintergrund eher dem Kapitol in Washington ähnelt. Und der Anorak uns eher frösteln lässt. Aber immerhin scheint ja die Sonne.

Hello , i am Maria,

I found your email in my friends list,
i think we talked some time at the one of social networks or not.
So i will remind you a little bit about me, i live in Russia, Moscow.
I love to travel, visit new places, new countries. I am planning to visit USA, Europe, Australia once again,
that is why i am looking for friends here, it is always more interesting to travel
and to have good time together then alone.

So … i will wait your email.

I hope to get your answer and of course i want to see your photo.
Have a good day


p.s.  you see my photo? 🙂

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